Friday, February 6, 2015

Billings Depot

January 30th, 2015
     We all met at the Billings Depot to prepare for the upcoming art auction for both the faculty and students.  This was a very exciting opportunity to have the hands on to what we were learning in class and there were many challenges to work through too.
     My decisions were part of a group , so they were in fact offered up as opinions, and the collected reasoning forming the presentation.  I believe that our first move was a consideration of the available pedestals and easels to work the artworks in our control.  We then made decisions regarding the weight, size and compositional pieces.  And right away it was the largest sculptural piece would be our anchor. 
     This was a airy wooden sculpture by Zack Hinkle which had the center window light and place of the entire gallery.  This anchor piece unfortunately did not have a pedestal which in my opinion was crucial for two reasons; first, the need to elevate it in this public area, and second for the protection from the foot traffic.  However, our resources were limited.
     There was an important determination to have the center easels back to back to create a corridor and to aesthetically finish our area of concern, this also created a horseshoe path around the room, organization around the fragile wood easels.
    Later, we had a conference with Leanne and determined that the large digital image with strong  political issue, by Brenna Lacey, would head our section of the gallery.  We had no way of knowing how the traffic flow of patrons would come through so beginning and end pointed into our section.
     Smaller pieces became fillers and there was difficulties finding just which ones should go where and how will they be displayed as our resources became nil.  Groupings of colors, visual interest, and subject helped out on that as we came to the end.  As I thought then and there it seemed like a lot to place in this one area, but there it was finished.  It was really nice to see the overall gallery and the flow of the other two sections coming together. 
    Good job done by all!
     If I knew how to upload pictures from my phone I would do it, pictures to follow......

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